Thursday, July 9, 2020

HR Executive Job Description Responsibilities Qualifications

HR Executive Job Description Responsibilities Qualifications HR Executive Job Description: Roles Qualifications4 min read Read ­ing Time: 3 min ­utesAny orga ­ni ­za ­tion, big or small, needs a Human Resource depart ­ment. HR Exec ­u ­tive job descrip ­tion entails a diverse range of duties. An HR exec ­u ­tive is capa ­ble of ensur ­ing that the employ ­ees of an orga ­ni ­za ­tion are qual ­i ­fied to do their jobs. Hence, their duty entails more than sim ­ply accept ­ing job appli ­ca ­tions and extend ­ing offer let ­ters. They are strate ­gic intel ­lec ­tu ­als who are not only aware of func ­tion ­al areas of Human Resources. They also have a deep under ­stand ­ing of the com ­pa ­ny’s mis ­sion. Their prime respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ty is to com ­mu ­ni ­cate the vision of the com ­pa ­ny to the new ­ly hired employ ­ees as well. More ­over, they need to coor ­di ­nate act as a bridge between man ­age ­ment and employ ­ees. Read how to improve com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion skills here. Role and Responsibilities HR exec ­u ­tive job descrip ­tion talks about over ­see ­ing and direct ­ing the admin ­is ­tra ­tive tasks of a com ­pa ­ny. Such as per ­son ­nel man ­age ­ment, employ ­ee com ­pen ­sa ­tion, social wel ­fare, main ­tain ­ing HR records, etc. Fur ­ther ­more, HR exec ­u ­tives are respon ­si ­ble for the fol ­low ­ing: Meet with depart ­ment heads to deter ­mine their staffing needs. Write employ ­ment notices. Con ­duct train ­ing pro ­ce ­dures for new employ ­ees. Work with the CEO to frame HR ini ­tia ­tives that will ben ­e ­fit the com ­pa ­ny. Com ­pre ­hend and adhere to labor laws. Direct busi ­ness activ ­i ­ties for employ ­ees. Con ­duct reg ­u ­lar meet ­ings with employ ­ees to review their progress. Edu ­cate employ ­ees on com ­pa ­ny poli ­cies. Par ­tic ­i ­pate in recruiter train ­ing for fresh ­ers, being at the senior lev ­el. Work on the pay ­roll. The HR depart ­ment is respon ­si ­ble about the hir ­ing process. Qualification for HR executive To be qual ­i ­fied to become an HR exec ­u ­tive, a can ­di ­date must have a bachelor’s degree. How ­ev ­er, some employ ­ers may also ask for a mas ­ter’s degree in their HR Exec ­u ­tive job descrip ­tion. But that pri ­mar ­i ­ly depends on the com ­pa ­ny’s require ­ment and may vary from one com ­pa ­ny to anoth ­er. The require ­ment is a degree in human resources, busi ­ness admin ­is ­tra ­tion or oth ­er relat ­ed fields. How ­ev ­er, these degrees result in gain ­ing entry-lev ­el jobs like HR Assis ­tant or HR Gen ­er ­al ­ist. For becom ­ing an HR exec ­u ­tive, you need work expe ­ri ­ence of at least 5 years in the HR field. Apart from rel ­e ­vant qual ­i ­fi ­ca ­tions, addi ­tion ­al require ­ments of an HR exec ­u ­tive include: Excep ­tion ­al prob ­lem-solv ­ing skills. Strong ver ­bal and writ ­ten skills. Proven lead ­er ­ship qual ­i ­ties. Atten ­tive lis ­ten ­er, empa ­thet ­ic. Pos ­i ­tive atti ­tude and self moti ­vat ­ed. Career Scope HR is entire ­ly a peo ­ple ori ­ent ­ed career. You have to deal with the most pre ­cious resource of any orga ­ni ­za ­tion, its employ ­ees. Hence, HR exec ­u ­tives need to be empa ­thet ­ic. Besides, it is one of their key roles to ensure har ­mo ­ny in the com ­pa ­ny and work on employ ­ee sat ­is ­fac ­tion. The roots of HR lies in admin ­is ­tra ­tion, per ­son ­nel man ­age ­ment, employ ­ee wel ­fare, etc.After becom ­ing an HR exec ­u ­tive you can rise fur ­ther in the career. With a rea ­son ­able num ­ber of years added to your work expe ­ri ­ence, you can aim to be pro ­mot ­ed as an HR man ­ag ­er. Find more than 10K HR Exec ­u ­tive jobs in India here. HR Manager: There is a vast spec ­trum of respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ties that an HR man ­ag ­er com ­plies with. His duties mul ­ti ­ply as com ­pared to the respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ty of an exec ­u ­tive or gen ­er ­al ­ist. An HR man ­ag ­er is a team to lead. There ­fore, excep ­tion ­al lead ­er ­ship skills are a must. More ­over, their respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ties become less admin ­is ­tra ­tive. It main ­ly includes bud ­get ­ing, inter ­view ­ing, employ ­ee inves ­ti ­ga ­tions, etc. Find 15K+ HR Man ­ag ­er Jobs in India here. HR Director: HR direc ­tors are usu ­al ­ly respon ­si ­ble for more than one HR team. They may over ­look a region, or serve as the high ­est rank of the orga ­ni ­za ­tion they are work ­ing at. Their duties include cre ­at ­ing the annu ­al bud ­get, build ­ing rela ­tion ­ships, decid ­ing on com ­pa ­ny poli ­cies, etc. VP Of HR: The vice pres ­i ­dent of HR reports direct ­ly to the CEO of the com ­pa ­ny. The VP col ­lab ­o ­rates with the exec ­u ­tive teams and dis ­cuss ­es busi ­ness aspi ­ra ­tions. More ­over, they work togeth ­er and eval ­u ­ate finan ­cial doc ­u ­ments to see how rev ­enue is being gen ­er ­at ­ed in the busi ­ness. Salary A typ ­i ­cal pay range for an HR exec ­u ­tive lies between 3â€"3.5 LPA. Con ­se ­quent ­ly, this adds up to about 25â€"30k per month. How ­ev ­er, this may dif ­fer depend ­ing on the com ­pa ­ny and the loca ­tion of the job. Read about how to nego ­ti ­ate a salary here. How ­ev ­er, to grab the HR Exec ­u ­tive job, you need to be com ­pe ­tent enough to crack the HR Inter ­view round. You will be fac ­ing rig ­or ­ous inter ­view ques ­tions. You may learn about gen ­er ­al HR inter ­view ques ­tions and answers here. They will give you an overview of what the HR inter ­view is like and how to face it. HR Executive Job DescriptionJob description of HR executive

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